Acrisyl Decora

Interior-exterior decorative plaster with various additives.

SKU: SM457 Categories: , Tags: ,

£16.50£165.00 Ex VAT

SKU: SM457 Categories: , Tags: ,


Acrysil decora is an interior-exterior decorative plaster with additives such as crystals and granite flakes. With this acrylic-siloxane based decorative plaster extremely durable and resistant outdoor and indoor finishes with natural, stone and granite-like look can be created. The consistency and formulation of the product allows the creation of many different finishes, from highly textured to slightly rough, almost smooth with a wide range of colours.

The finishes created with Acrysil Decora are not just mould and algae resistant (UNI EN 15457:2008 and UNI EN 15458:2008) and don’t permit pollutants or water to penetrate the surface, but are also suitable for external thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS).


Impera Italia offers colour matches for almost all products

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